March 11-16 was indeed a time of spiritual refreshing from the Lord for all of us, locally and abroad. It was a great week of fellowship in the gospel and the work of the Lord held under the theme: the church: designed, devoted and delivered.
Many people were from St. Ann’s Bay and its environs were taught the gospel, resulting in eight souls being born again. Christians were strengthened and encouraged by the word of God, the singing, and in fellowship with one another. Attendance record gives a count of 238 on Sunday night and an average of over 100 on weeknights. We had 13 sister congregations visiting the first night and an average of 6 visiting weeknights
The St. Ann???s Bay Church, thanks God, the Father of Lord Jesus Christ for blessing us with the privilege to be counted worthy servants in the work of reconciling men unto Himself. We thank the University Church for providing the financial support for this campaign. the University???s students who use their Spring Break Holiday to work in the mission field for the Lord, the preachers: Wayne & Trent for their messages, Bro. Derrick Brown, the preacher of the St. Jago Church who provided live recording of messages and transmitting them on the internet, our local congregations who supported the evening services, the brothers who assisted in leading singing and prayer and those who worked during the day and our cooperation in the Lord???s work.
St Ann's Bay, Jamaica |
April 12, 2012