The 47th Annual Churches of Christ Caribbean lectureship will be held in Nassau, Bahamas July 9-12, 2017 with the theme ???Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord??? (Psalm 33:12).
You are being invited to make preparations to attend this year???s lectureship. Last year???s lectureship in Tobago was indeed spiritually uplifting. This year???s Caribbean lectureship already promise to be spiritually edifying with several speakers and teachers already committing to be part of the programme. There will be special classes for ladies and youth in addition to the regular classes. The fellowship among Christians promises to be very encouraging, so makes your plans now to attend the lectureship this year.
You can register, book your hotel and see other vital information on the website Please free to access it now as it is quite active with up-to-date information on the lectureship for this year. Caribbean airlines offers direct flights from Kingston to Nassau, so let us put together a number of attendees from Jamaica and support the lectureship in Nassau, Bahamas. Let us make an effort to travel to Nassau to be a part of this spiritually enriching event.
For further information about the Caribbean lectureship you may contact me at the email address or telephone me at 876 856 1840.
Yours in the service of the Lord Jesus.
Francis A. Yorke
Minister of Religion
Nassau, Bahamas |
March 16, 2017