Good Day It is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of this year’s Annual Youth Retreat. With responses with regards to attendance only nearing 50 at this time, the minimum target of 150 persons as required by the venue seems unattainable. Additionally the collection of funds has also been extremely poor which leaves us unable to buy food or make any payments a week before the scheduled start of camp. These, with other factors have led us to believe that it would be best, while greatly regrettable, to cancel the camp for 2012. Let us hasten to say that this is not a cancellation of ALL camps going forward, but ONLY the camp for 2012. We will examine the factors that may have attributed to the need for this cancellation and begin planning for Retreat 2013. We ask that you feel free to submit any comments and suggestions that may assist us in our planning and review. We also look forward to your support for future Retreats as we continue to try and keep programs in the brotherhood alive to help encourage the spiritual growth of our young people and the church in general. Your Brothers in Christ Carey Cunningham and Matthew Blake Annual Youth Retreat Directors
Jamaica |
July 28, 2012